Copyright By Chambre de Commerce Franco-Lituanienne - 2024
On October 22nd French-Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce had a board meeting where Business France Poland got to know more about French-Lithuanian business community
The meeting was followed by 2 presentations:
The VIE / VIA program presented by Yvane Bocchi-Wirman. Yvane shared information about the program and how candidates can formalize their status. She also confirmed information such as salary, social security available to VIE / VIA staff (There is currently 1 VIE in service in Lithuania, Charles Welter, at Continental. Simona Matonienė and Charles shared their experience and satisfaction)
Pascal Lagarde, Executive Director of Bpifrance, presented BPI France, from its roots to date, and shared also insights as how the structure is helping French companies at each stage of its life
We want to thank the French Embassy in Vilnius for hosting this event, to Jean Caro, and all participants with a special mention to Xavier Rollin de Chambonas, Clement Le Bechennec, Vavea Venzo and Guillaume DOUVILLE for their questions and inputs
The meeting was followed by a diner at Thomas Teiten • Café Montmartre
Stay tuned for CCFL future events…
Copyright By Chambre de Commerce Franco-Lituanienne - 2024