
Constat is a professional law firm uniting experts in different fields, which currently employs more than 30 professional specialists, provides legal services to natural and legal persons, advises clients in commercial activities, represents in judicial, arbitration and mediation proceedings, provides expert opinions on the application of legal acts in practice and the development of business projects in Lithuania and abroad, and represents its clients in criminal cases. When creating the firm, the partners sought to attract responsible and diligent professionals who are able to give the clients attention that is real, and not just formal. Confidence in Constat’s work is not only ensured by the team’s expertise, in-depth knowledge of a particular field of law or the provision of excellent services, but also by the fact that it is made up of imaginative professionals who are not afraid to come up with new ways to deal with complex and challenging problems that they face on a daily basis. The members of the firm also teach and conduct research projects at Mykolas Romeris University and Vilnius University, thus contributing to the progress of national legislation and scientific doctrine.
Sector: Lawyer & Legal Services
Membership type: Bronze, Patron